Cara Install Websploit Di Termux - Websploit adalah kerangka kerja MITM yang canggih. Ini adalah utilitas baris perintah open source yang tersusun pada struktur modular. Pada saat penulisan, ada 20 modul yang tersedia di Websploit, dapat didownload dari situs web sourceforge namun hanya tersedia di Kali Linux Moto & Kali Sana. Namun kali ini saya akan beri tutorial cara install websploit di termux.
[+]Autopwn - Used From Metasploit For Scan and Exploit Target Service
[+]Browser AutoPWN - Exploit Victim Browser
[+]wmap - Scan,Crawler Target Used From Metasploit wmap plugin
[+]format infector - inject reverse & bind payload into file format
[+]MLITM,XSS Phishing - Man Left In The Middle Attack
[+]MITM - Man In The Middle Attack [+]USB Infection Attack - Create Executable Backdoor For Windows
[+]MFOD Attack - Middle Finger Of Doom Attack
[+]Java Applet Attack Vector [+]ARP DOS - ARP Cache Denial Of Service Attack With Random MAC
[+]Directory Scanner - Scan Target Directorys
[+]Apache US - Scan Apache users
[+]PHPMyAdmin - Scan PHPMyAdmin Login Page
[+]Web Killer - Using From The TCPKill For Down Your WebSite On Network
[+]Fake AP - Fake Access Point
[+]FakeUpdate - Fake update attack
[+]Wifi Jammer - Wifi Jammer Attack
[+]Wifi Dos - Wifi Dos RQ Attack [+]Wifi Mass De-authentication attack
Proses Install Websploit di Termux
$ apt update && upgrade -y$ apt install python2$ pip2 install scapy$ git clone https://github.com/The404Hacking/websploit.git$ cd websploit$ chmod 777 *.py$ python2 websploit.py
untuk melihat module websploit ketikan :
wsf > show modules

untuk melihat command yang tersedia di websploit ketikan:
wsf > help

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