XAttacker Website Vulnerability Scanner Auto Exploiter di Termux
[+] Auto Cms Detect
[1] WordPress :
[+] Adblock Blocker
[+] WP All Import
[+] Blaze
[+] Catpro
[+] Cherry Plugin
[+] Download Manager
[+] Formcraft
[+] levoslideshow
[+] Power Zoomer
[+] Gravity Forms
[+] Revslider Upload Shell
[+] Revslider Dafece Ajax
[+] Revslider Get Config
[+] Showbiz
[+] Simple Ads Manager
[+] Slide Show Pro
[+] WP Mobile Detector
[+] Wysija
[+] InBoundio Marketing
[+] dzs-zoomsounds
[+] Reflex Gallery
[+] Creative Contact Form
[+] Work The Flow File Upload
[+] WP Job Manger
[+] PHP Event Calendar
[+] Synoptic
[+] Wp Shop
[+] Content Injection
[+] Cubed Theme NEW
[+] Rightnow Theme NEW
[+] Konzept NEW
[+] Omni Secure Files NEW
[+] Pitchprint NEW
[+] Satoshi NEW
[+] Pinboard NEW
[+] Barclaycart NEW
[2] Joomla
[+] Com Jce
[+] Com Media
[+] Com Jdownloads
[+] Com Fabrik
[+] Com Jdownloads Index
[+] Com Foxcontact
[+] Com Ads Manager
[+] Com Blog
[+] Com Users
[+] Com Weblinks
[+] mod_simplefileupload
[+] Com Facileforms NEW
[+] Com Jwallpapers NEW
[+] Com Extplorer NEW
[+] Com Rokdownloads NEW
[+] Com Sexycontactform NEW
[+] Com Jbcatalog NEW
[3] DruPal
[+] Add Admin
[+] Drupalgeddon NEW
[4] PrestaShop
[+] columnadverts
[+] soopamobile
[+] soopabanners
[+] Vtermslideshow
[+] simpleslideshow
[+] productpageadverts
[+] homepageadvertise
[+] homepageadvertise2
[+] jro_homepageadvertise
[+] attributewizardpro
[+] 1attributewizardpro
[+] AttributewizardproOLD
[+] attributewizardpro_x
[+] advancedslider
[+] cartabandonmentpro
[+] cartabandonmentproOld
[+] videostab
[+] wg24themeadministration
[+] fieldvmegamenu
[+] wdoptionpanel
[+] pk_flexmenu
[+] pk_vertflexmenu
[+] nvn_export_orders
[+] megamenu
[+] tdpsthemeoptionpanel
[+] psmodthemeoptionpanel
[+] masseditproduct
[+] blocktestimonial NEW
[5] Lokomedia SQL injection
Berikut Ini Cara Install XAttacker Pada Termux :
XAttacker adalah sebuah tools yang dapat men-scan sebuah kerentanan pada website dan otomatis meng-exploitnya
Kalian dapat menggunakan alat ini di website yg kalian miliki, untuk memeriksa keamanan website dan menemukan kerentanan di website mu, atau bisa juga digunakan untuk mendapatkan Shell | Deface | cPanels | Database
[+] Auto Cms Detect
[1] WordPress :
[+] Adblock Blocker
[+] WP All Import
[+] Blaze
[+] Catpro
[+] Cherry Plugin
[+] Download Manager
[+] Formcraft
[+] levoslideshow
[+] Power Zoomer
[+] Gravity Forms
[+] Revslider Upload Shell
[+] Revslider Dafece Ajax
[+] Revslider Get Config
[+] Showbiz
[+] Simple Ads Manager
[+] Slide Show Pro
[+] WP Mobile Detector
[+] Wysija
[+] InBoundio Marketing
[+] dzs-zoomsounds
[+] Reflex Gallery
[+] Creative Contact Form
[+] Work The Flow File Upload
[+] WP Job Manger
[+] PHP Event Calendar
[+] Synoptic
[+] Wp Shop
[+] Content Injection
[+] Cubed Theme NEW
[+] Rightnow Theme NEW
[+] Konzept NEW
[+] Omni Secure Files NEW
[+] Pitchprint NEW
[+] Satoshi NEW
[+] Pinboard NEW
[+] Barclaycart NEW
[2] Joomla
[+] Com Jce
[+] Com Media
[+] Com Jdownloads
[+] Com Fabrik
[+] Com Jdownloads Index
[+] Com Foxcontact
[+] Com Ads Manager
[+] Com Blog
[+] Com Users
[+] Com Weblinks
[+] mod_simplefileupload
[+] Com Facileforms NEW
[+] Com Jwallpapers NEW
[+] Com Extplorer NEW
[+] Com Rokdownloads NEW
[+] Com Sexycontactform NEW
[+] Com Jbcatalog NEW
[3] DruPal
[+] Add Admin
[+] Drupalgeddon NEW
[4] PrestaShop
[+] columnadverts
[+] soopamobile
[+] soopabanners
[+] Vtermslideshow
[+] simpleslideshow
[+] productpageadverts
[+] homepageadvertise
[+] homepageadvertise2
[+] jro_homepageadvertise
[+] attributewizardpro
[+] 1attributewizardpro
[+] AttributewizardproOLD
[+] attributewizardpro_x
[+] advancedslider
[+] cartabandonmentpro
[+] cartabandonmentproOld
[+] videostab
[+] wg24themeadministration
[+] fieldvmegamenu
[+] wdoptionpanel
[+] pk_flexmenu
[+] pk_vertflexmenu
[+] nvn_export_orders
[+] megamenu
[+] tdpsthemeoptionpanel
[+] psmodthemeoptionpanel
[+] masseditproduct
[+] blocktestimonial NEW
[5] Lokomedia SQL injection
Berikut Ini Cara Install XAttacker Pada Termux :
$ git clone https://github.com/Moham3dRiahi/XAttacker.git
$ cd XAttacker
$ chmod +x termux-install.sh
$ bash termux-install.sh
VersionCurrent version is 2.5 What's New
- • blocktestimonial Exploit
- • Cubed Theme Exploit
- • Rightnow Theme Exploit
- • Konzept Exploit
- • Omni Secure Files Exploit
- • Pitchprint Exploit
- • Satoshi Exploit
- • Pinboard Exploit
- • Barclaycart Exploit
- • Com Facileforms Exploit
- • Com Jwallpapers Exploit
- • Com Extplorer Exploit
- • Com Rokdownloads Exploit
- • Com Sexycontactform Exploit
- • Com Jbcatalog Exploit
- • Com Blog Exploit
- • Com Foxcontact Exploit
- • Drupal Geddon Exploit
- • Speed up
- • Bug fixes
jika kalian memiliki list target . kalian bisa scann secara mass dengan syarat harus satu directori dengan toolsnha. berikut commandnya:
$ perl XAttacker.pl -l listtarget.txt
Artikel ini hanya untuk edukasi semata . Semoga artikel cara install xattacker di termux ini bermanfaat untuk kalian
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